About Me


  • Route: Sierra
  • Ride Year: 2015
  • Hometown: San Antonio

About: Well thank you for clicking on my link! My name is Meredith Trapp and I’m here loving the University of Texas—Hook ‘em Horns! I’m from San Antonio; I’m a Marketing/ Plan II major, and I’ve never biked over 6 miles in my life. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m athletic and I’ve done plenty of jazzed up cycle classes, but the outdoors is my calling (hence the whole 4,500 mile bike ride). I love hiking, canoeing, paddle boarding, swimming, but not fishing, definitely don't like fishing.

I’m relatively musically gifted; I love to sing in my spare time while serenading many of the girls in my public dorm showers. I've been singing since I was 10, I've played many lead roles in musicals in high school, participated in the All State Auditions, and won some contests here and there. So, I’d like to believe people enjoy my serenading them in the shower (mostly to the soundtrack of Les Miserables).

I have one younger sister who I love with my whole heart and who’s my best friend, and I had a little brother pass away from Leukemia, Steven. He's my role model, my guardian angel, and my hero. I have two amazing parents, Lisa and Dave, who are the most wonderful people I’ve known and I look up to them in every way.

I've found that since my little brother passed away I've been fortunate to be surrounded by some pretty amazing friends that share some of the same characteristics of my little brother. Steven had a way of always being able to “find the fun” even in difficult moments and I’m lucky to have wonderful friends who do the same! I don’t know where I’d be without them.

If you really want to get to know me, know that I'm a bone marrow donor, I love writing even though my professors refuse to give me A's on papers, I have Friends playing in the background on my computer when I get ready in the morning (I'm probably most like Ross), I've read all of the Harry Potter books 7 times and have "dog-earred" the pages (I'm definitely Hermione), I studied abroad in Vienna and am now desperately trying to learn German, my heart's desire here at UT is to spend a semester in Tanzania doing volunteering and study research, and I fervently believe that "What starts here changes the world". This Hermione/Ross/German-loving me is changing the world.

We are changing the world.

Please check out http://www.steventrapp.com/ to learn more about my family's story.

Why I Ride

My childhood was filled with experiences of hospital visits, surgeries, and blood transfusions. Steven was my only little brother and since he passed away I've forgotten what it's like to have a brother. Since I was only 10, the memories that I have are extremes. Some memories include our amazing family vacations to places such as White Sands National Park and others are of Steven's final last days and how he looked after cancer destroyed his body.

Steven had the brightest, funniest, most caring personality and an uncanny ability to always look at the positives in life. These are the things I remember and the qualities I strive for in myself. I do wish I could remember more of the little things, but since I was so young I mostly have memories of the big things.

This ride is in part to remember Steven and force myself to bring back those wonderful little memories. I don't ever want to forget him because I would not be the person I am today had Steven not been a part of our family. So, I ride to remember and I ride for the little miracles that life brings each day.

I ride for my little brother, Steven, and the hope that his last words bring:

"I'm not scared"
"I want to hop on"
"Daddy, I'll be watching you"
"I want to go home"

I ride for everyone that's been affected by cancer. I ride for the bone marrow donors. I ride for the caregivers. I ride so that no parent has to lose their child to cancer.

Most importantly, I ride for a cure.