My Texas 4000 experience has been anything but conventional. I’ve been in Texas 4000 for a long time. I was originally a 2015 rider but deferred to 2016 early last year. Now, I’m working in Washington DC, disconnected from my team as they begin the intensive work toward our summer journey. It’s difficult to feel […]

It has been a month of training and meetings and volunteer events,  and despite it being the first month of our ride year, it’s not my first month in the organization. After my bike accident in April, and having to make the painful decision to defer my ride, I was apprehensive about joining a new team and, […]

Dear Friend,   A lot has happened in the last few weeks. First off, we began our Saturday morning workouts! We start at 7 am and even though it’s a little earlier than I’m used to being awake, the  motivation and atmosphere my team radiates is amazing and it makes for a great time as […]

  As apart of Texas 4000 team, there are a few things that are required of us. First, our participation in meetings and Saturday morning workouts, meeting fundraising goals, as well as logging a certain amount of hours in volunteer events. The last one has not only been the most interesting, but has given us […]

“I used to think that charity runs were stupid. What kind of an imbecile thinks that putting on some shoes and going for a run actually does any good? But then Aaron got sick, and running got taken away from him and now, I am that kind of imbecile. And I know that it does make a […]

Our ride year is upon us! Only a month in, and already this fall has been full of many lovely Texas 4000 adventures. These past few weeks have been packed with panhandling outside of Whole Foods and before UT football games, early Saturday morning workouts at the track, and volunteering with Be the Match and […]

I found out just under a year ago that I will be riding to Alaska with Texas 4000. Now that the time has come to welcome the new 2017 team it has made me reflect on how much has changed in the last 12 months. I was originally attracted to Texas 4000 for the personal challenge. […]

It’s insane to think it’s already been a year since I applied to Texas 4000. Everything is happening so fast and it’s intimidating but enthralling all the same. Helping my friends applying to Texas 4000 with their apps has been humbling. Knowing that I’m on this team of people with experiences that distinguish them from me and […]

As a rider of Texas 4000 a lot of time the things you hear usually go something like, “What you are doing is incredible, thank you so much.” Spreading hope, knowledge, and charity is something beautiful that Texas 4000 brings to the community, but what people sometimes overlook is what Texas 4000 means to the riders. Texas […]

I am so excited to be a part of the 2016 team! Things have begun to pick up and it is thrilling. Soon we will be choosing routes and chairs will be announced. The gravity is starting to sink in, and each day brings us closer to the ride. I couldn’t have predicted how T4k […]