Everything over the past five days have been crazy! I keep thinking I’m leaving you all hanging by not writing but then I realize it’s only been a couple days. That’s one of the interesting things about the ride is that every day runs together and you lose a sense of time when doing […]

Day 22: Rocky Mountain National Stars We rode 54 miles into Rocky Mountain National Park today, cycling through Big Thompson Canyon, Roosevelt National Forest, and Estes State Park. On either side of a winding road were tall cliff faces, gushing rivers, and bighorn sheep. I’m not contemplating anything profound in the picture below though: rather, […]

Day 23: Father’s Day We rode for fathers today. Four of my friends on the team have lost fathers. I rode for them, and their fathers. Those four inspire me with their tenacity, maturity, and strength. The picture attached shows a beautiful lake we passed on our 52-mile ride to Fort Collins, CO. Needless to […]

Grueling heat and several thousand feet of climbing over the past two days have made it hard to remember much of what we did on the bike, but I’ll do my best here. One of the most exciting moments of our trip came Saturday (Day 22), when we crossed into California. We started in Tonopah, […]

  We got into Missouri yesterday and minus the first two hours of rain it’s been an  amazing time. Yesterday was personally hard for me because I hadn’t ridden a lot in the past four days because of our rest day, rain outs, and support and gear. So even though it was only 58 miles […]

We’ve summited roughly 10 mountain peaks in 100+ degree heat over the past couple days, all while riding along the border of Area 51, so this post may get weird. We left Caliente, Nevada bright and early Thursday morning, knowing full well we had a long day ahead of us. Before we had even made […]

Day 21: Brent’s Place “Littlefoot” is a toddler with leukemia. At Brent’s Place, he and his family have an opportunity to be treated at the nearby children’s hospital and live free of cost in a comfortable, clean, healthy apartment. We may be cycling 4,500 miles, and today 40 miles headed to Niwot, CO, but Littlefoot […]

Day 20: Out Living It and Three Keys to Happiness On our rest day in Denver, we visited two places: the offices of First Descents, and the Pearl Izumi factory. “Out Living It” is the motto of First Descents, a nonprofit that takes cancer patients on adventure trips. Founded by a professional kayaker, First Descents […]

Day 19: It’s All Downhill During training last war, I was sometimes charged with the responsibility to motivate my teammates to keep pushing their pedals. Occasionally I was a “Ride Lead” or a “Sweep,” riding at the front or back of a group, respectively, and I had to yell at my friends to keep going […]

Cleveland’s furious comeback in the waning moments of last night’s NBA Finals kept me up a little later than I had planned, leaving me a little groggy when I woke up to a friendly call from the Marriott front desk this morning. I was driving the support vehicle today, which also means being responsible for […]