About Me


  • Route: Rockies
  • Ride Year: 2010


The world of love, pain, warmth, and cold was first exposed to me on September 27, 1988 in Farnborough, England, where I would spend the next 6 years of my life. Since then I have lived in New York, Louisiana, and Texas with my loving parents and amazingly talented younger sister, Rachel, who’s currently a sophomore at UT. I feel immensely blessed to have been given such a supportive, loving family, not only in Sugar Land, Texas, but also all over the U.S., Canada, India, England, and Australia.

I love life. I really do. Color splashes my room, and my interests range from tae kwon do, volleyball, singing, dancing, and playing saxophone to writing poetry and having great conversations over some good hot chocolate (YUM!).

My cultural horizons keep broadening year by year, and I have grown through every challenge I have faced. Since college began, I have been able to go on a mission trip to Mozambique, intern in a home for children with disabilities in Argentina, and work on Nourish International ”“Austin Chapter’s first development project in Guatemala.
I live to serve. Knowing that God can use me to sew a few patches in our world brings true joy to my heart.

Why I Ride

This past summer my friend, Esther, passed away after two years of fighting cancer. She was just 22 years old. I can still hear her, “Wow” when I told her about Texas 4000 and what it’s mission is. Her incredible faith encouraged me and others, while showing us what is important in life. She showed me how God provides strength when we lack it. Not a single day has gone by when I don’t think of her. I have learned that we really should live our lives to the fullest, so that we don’t regret that time that we were too much in a hurry to give that man on the street a smile, hold the door open for the person behind us, or be the best son/daughter, brother/sister, friend, or stranger that we can be.

When my roommate, Shivani, was young, her mom passed away from cancer. Shivani and I are like sisters, and when she is in pain, I feel it too. However, the pain she experiences when she thinks about her mother I can’t fully understand, but nevertheless, I am there to listen to stories about her mom and give her all the hugs she needs.

So many people have lost close family members to cancer. I ride for those who are fighting, will fight, and have lost loved ones in the battle against cancer. I ride for Esther and her family. I ride for Shivani and her family. I ride to truly spread hope across the nation that, God-willing, there will be a cure for cancer.