About Me


  • Route: Sierra
  • Ride Year: 2010


I was born in Dallas, Texas soon after my parents moved to Texas after much time in Brazil. Being of Persian decent and having many cultures and languages exposed to me at a very young age, I grew up in Dallas with an appreciation for diversity. My older sister and I spent a great deal of our childhood experiencing life outside of the house, whether it was from playing sports and enjoying the outdoors to traveling around the world experiencing new cultures and settings.

My experiences at a young age molded me into the person I am today. My personal values revolve around respect, devotion to academics, and the zeal for helping others. My ability to learn difficult concepts quickly and problem solve led me to pursue and have a passion for medicine at a very young age.

Today, I am at the University at Texas focusing my studies in Biology and Chemistry. Starting from after high school, I fully immersed myself in biomedical and clinical research. My time conducting cardiothoracic biomedical research opened my eyes to a world where I knew I could make a difference in the future in becoming a medical scientist. I plan on continuing my medical education at UT Southwestern Medical School in the fall and pursuing a research focus in biochemistry and pharmacology.

Having the opportunity to travel across the country spreading the word on cancer prevention and speaking to patients and survivors is an adventure that I am thrilled about and know would prove to be an invaluable experience.

In my spare time I enjoy participating in almost all sports, cooking, reading science, and scuba diving.

Why I Ride

Cancer is something that affects us all one way or another. It is a subject that surrounds my life frequently in various settings including the classroom, research laboratory, and personal life. It is a deadly disease that has some very serious effects on a person both physically and mentally. Cancer can lead to a life-long struggle that leaves someone so fatigued and tired that it makes them want to give up. It will put fear in anyone's eyes and will devastate even the strongest of people. However cancer can bring out the courageousness in a person to fight this disease and not give up. It can bring out the strength in someone which is an amazing thing and can inspire a person to dig deep and fight. This is something that I have seen throughout my life. Cancer has touched those I love from grandparents to family friends to close peers. By riding to Alaska, I can share my experiences and spread stories of hope to those in similar situations. I ride for the hope and knowledge of a cure to come so that those affected by the plague of modern times can prevail in their struggles. As I have seen before countless times, life with cancer is a trek of unimaginable proportions as a person can be stuck in a rut of agony for prolonged periods of time. Being able to place myself in a situation of incomparable physical stress will allow me to experience a journey where I can somehow aid and affect someone’s life going through a similar experience. Being able to share my trek with those affected by cancer will be an unforgettable experience and will allow me to grow as a future physician/scientist and person.