About Me
- Route: Ozarks
- Ride Year: 2015
- Hometown: Houston, TX
- School Year: Junior
- Major: Pre-med Nutritional Sciences and Business Foundations
- Email: nicolemiller@utexas.edu
My name is Nicole Miller, but I go by Nikki. I was born and raised in Houston, TX by the most loving and supportive family. My parents, both originally from New York, graciously put up with my sister’s and my "Texan" shenanigans everyday. As a family, we enjoy traveling, exploring new cities, and spending time out in our backyard by the pool. The majority of happiest moments in my life come from hot summer days spent relaxing poolside with my family and neighborhood family. I couldn’t imagine life without these people that know me better than myself.
Since leaving home for college, I have willfully immersed myself in burnt orange. I am a Pre-med Nutritional Sciences major and Business Foundations student, aspiring to become a pediatric surgeon. I have an immense passion for children, which serves as motivation for my career. One day I hope to travel the world, performing surgeries for kids who don’t have appropriate medical care.
Aside from school, I am a proud member of the Delta Gamma Fraternity and Roustabouts Dance Company. I’ve been dancing for over nine years, so I am fortunate enough to continue dancing here at UT. My other interests include cooking, painting, and singing along to Beyoncé songs.
Why I Ride
For me, life is about grasping opportunities as they come, no matter their scale, and finding the treasure in each circumstance. Often we become comfortable in the life we have, placing too much attention on things that don’t matter. Through watching my best friend Emily fight a brainstem tumor with a constant smile, things are put into perspective for me. Blessed with a healthy life, I try to appreciate each opportunity I am given. Taking advantage of my health, I strive to make a change in the world. In the fight against cancer, I hope to help people like Emily, who are waiting on a life-changing cure. Our efforts may not directly cure this terrible disease, but my goal is to spread inspiration and hope to others. Poet Ralph Waldo Emerson puts it best, “To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded”.