
  • Route: Sierra
  • Ride Year: 2019
  • Hometown: Tyler, TX

About: Hi!
I am currently a senior at the University of Texas studying Biochemistry and Spanish! In my free time I really like looking for new gelato stores and bakeries! My hobbies tend to change but watching Netflix seems to always stay the same....

Why I Ride

Growing up in a place where the closest medical center was a 2.5 hr drive, losing my grandfather to lung cancer because he believed he only had a cold, and witnessing the destruction that cancer brings to someone- I ride for discovery of new knowledge. I ride for a 16 year old boy whose name I never learned but he completely changed my life.

He was only 16 years old and he was in a hospital bed instead of being in a classroom. He was only 16 years old and he was going through a very painful procedure instead of being out with his friends. He was only 16 years old and he was not able to do what every 16 year old does because he had been diagnosed with leukemia.

I grew up in a village where if one was diagnosed with cancer then there was nothing that could be done. We had no health care facilities nearby, thus we lacked the education and resources to act on any sickness. As a 2019 Texas 4000 Rider, every mile we ride is a step closer to finding the answers that will path the way to a cancer-free life. I ride for never ending hope... I ride for a new cancer-free era.

As I embark on this journey I ride for:

Pa Luz
Polly, the Leonard family, and Gail
Dr. Okada
Sandy Barron
Debb Hoyd
Bob Foot
Gale Lunos
Michelle Moreno
Linda Delamatter
Michael Lee
Amy Homestead
Christopher Cook
Bryan De Chant
Suzan McCoy
Susan Ellsworth
Scott McMurry
Leonard Holdridge
Sammy Sappleton
Gigi Wallace
Hannah Hartzel
Laurie Gerry
Alex Allen
Andrea McCartney